
This week we will be  studying about Chinstrap and Emperor Penguins.  Please ask your child about 3 new things they learned about Chinstrap and Emperor penguins.


This week we are learning about how to write informational texts to teach others.  We will be looking at how to introduce your topic and make sure to teach 3-4 facts and then how to close your piece. We will be using our penguin research to write our papers.


Our personal goals this week are:

I will use uppercase and lowercase letters correctly.

I will place a period, or correct punctuation at the end of my sentences.

I will make sure to have space between my words.

I will stretch words and write more sounds.


Word Work Focuses this week:

Short Vowels: -ot, -op, -og

Digraphs: th and wh

Long  Vowels: short u and long u



This week we will wrap up unit 5 in math. We will continue using number lines to solve math problems. Students will learn about number bonds and fact families. It is amazing to see how confident, strong and quick our mathematicians have become.  They are doing great learning new things every day.



Penguin study will continue to examine species adaptations for survival.